The International Society for Frontotemporal Dementias is a non-profit scientific society focused on frontotemporal dementias. Members include the leaders in FTD research around the world, and the society is associated with a large, international biannual meeting presenting the latest findings.

We welcome new members and offer several levels of membership associated with where you are in your career. Membership includes updates on the latest discoveries in the FTD field, discounted registration at the biannual meeting and a special journal issue focused on FTD.

The science in the field of neurodegenerative disease, and frontotemporal dementia in particular, is racing ahead, and potential treatments are being developed and tested. We welcome your participation in ISFTD to keep advancing this vibrant field. We look forward to serving you as a new member and helping to push forward the science in this important area.


Missions of ISFTD :

• to advance the understanding the nervous system and diseases associated with frontotemporal dementias and 

neurodegeneration, including the part they play in determining behavior;

• to bring together scientists from various backgrounds and disciplines; 

• to facilitate the integration of research directed at all levels of biological organization; 

• to promote education in the neurosciences and inform the general public on the results and implications of current research in neuroscience; and

• to promote other activities that will contribute to the development of neuroscience




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