
Frontotemporal dementia is the second most common cause of early onset dementia and a challenging differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease whatever the age.

Behavioural changes, language and motor disorders are the main symptoms, which may have a devastating  impact on families, but an underestimated number manifest as memory disorders long indistinguishable from Alzheimer's disease.

Several pathological subtypes underlie the disease, and genetics plays an important role, which contributes to the devastating impact of the disease on the families, but opens up therapeutic perspectives. Considerable progress has been made over the last 20 years in understanding the molecular basis of FTD and in developing therapeutic approaches.

After Sydney, Munich and Vancouver, this biennial congress of the international Society  of FTD will be held in France, a country very much involved in this group of  diseases, in November 2022.

Save the date :

  • Paris symposium on Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022
  • ISFTD Congress in Lille from November 3 to 5, 2022





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